Prakriti Shakti has a full-fledged treatment centre equipped with all the facilities for providing the treatment and care required for your medical condition. Our medical team has licensed doctors, who have earned their medical degree (B.N.Y.S) from prestigious institutions in India and have been successfully practising natural medicine for holistic healing. All the therapies in your treatment programmes are done by the doctors or carried out under their guidance by our therapists who are professionally qualified and well-trained in their domains.

About Our Medical Team

Dr. Cijith Sreedhar heads the medical team at Prakriti Shakti. The team includes Dr. Anand Prayaga, Dr. Nithila Catherin, Dr. Suvith V Das and Dr. Aneka Vinod. With several years of experience, their medical practice is an example of how the scientific use of Natural Medicine can facilitate the holistic healing of many medical problems faced by today’s society. In Dr. Cijith's words, “the scientific application of the tenets of Natural Medicine and the healing touch of the doctor awakens the ultimate healer in you.” Along with his team, in every patient, he works towards the accomplishment of this fundamental mission of Nature Cure.

Dr. Cijith is actively involved in various national-level activities related to the development of Natural Medicine as an academic discipline in India. He served on the faculty of Dept. of Holistic Medicine, Medical College, Trivandrum, teaching Yoga and Naturopathy, was a part of the National Committee for BNYS Syllabus Regulation and Accreditation at the National Institute of Naturopathy, Dept.of AYUSH, Govt. of India and was a syllabus committee member of CACEE, University of Kerala.

‘Dis-ease’ is nothing but an indication that certain things in the body are in ‘dis-order.’ The only way to be ‘at-ease’ is to bring these things back ‘in-order.’ The primary role of a Naturopathic practitioner is to identify these disorders in patients and give them the knowledge, support and assistance required to restore the innate balance. The team of doctors in Prakriti Shakti helps you in embarking on this restorative journey and hand-holds you through the healing process.

Dr. Cijith Sreedhar, Chief Practitioner, Prakriti Shakti